
Cung cấp dịch vụ đặt vé máy bay và phòng trực tuyến
Lĩnh vực Dịch vụ
Dịch vụ triển khai
  • Amazon EC2
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon RDS
Liên hệ ngay

About Atadi is one of the very first Vietnamese websites that provides an end-to-end booking online service including searching, comparing prices and booking flight tickets from various airline brands. The website is built by a team of automation technology experts with many years of experiences in tourism and e-commerce. helps users search low-cost airline tickets and book hotels in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. The company aims to build a reputable platform providing excellent online service booking to Vietnam and Asia customers.


The competitive advantage of Atadi is to offer lowest flight ticket prices compared to other intermediary booking agents. Therefore, it is essential for Atadi to possess a stable and rapid system so that the customers will not experience interruption during their booking.

However, the backup and restore process of Atadi often encountered problems, which led to data loss during the stages of booking when customers filled their personal information.

In addition, the lack of scalability in physical server system impeded the development of Atadi. When the website traffic increases dramatically during rush hours, the system presumably falls due to overloading.

In order to keep the system run properly, the company had to hire a large number of employees and spend an enormous budget on operation and maintenance.


“Our mission is to provide our customers the best booking experiences compared to other agencies and we believe migrating to cloud would enable us to do that”, Van Phong — CEO of Atadi said, “We have considered some options and we chose Amazon platform for its value and convenience. That is why we decided to get the help from OSAM International Limited Company (“OSAM”) — AWS Advanced

Consulting partner.” OSAM and Atadi team spent 3 weeks together researching and discussing to finally reach the most suitable solution. The system was partly migrated to AWS using high scalability services such as S3, EC2 to adapt with the increasing number of users within different hours. Amazon Virtual Private Cloud was also set up to increase security for the system.

Amazon S3 provided the ability to simply and securely collect, store and analyze their data at a massive scale. With Amazon S3, Atadi can classify, report and visualize data usage trends to reduce costs and improve service levels.

Together with S3, EC2 is set up to provide secure, resizable compute capacity in the cloud. EC2 enables Atadi to scale the capacity both up and down and allow the company to only pay for the capacity that they actually use.


Atadi system now can support customers more efficiently. They no longer record system errors or customer negative feedbacks during the booking process as the data is backup and restored effectively. Migration to AWS also enhances the system to be more scalable, increases the customers using by 60%. Scalability also helps the company reduce the labor cost since the system can automatically adjust to its traffic.

Operation cost is also reduced by 30%. After all of their system information is stored on the cloud, the company cuts down a large budget on infrastructure repair and maintenance.

‘We want to provide our customers the most comfortable experiences with the professional platform. Migrating to cloud has enabled us to improve our service and expand our business.” Nguyen Van Phong, CEO of said.

Dịch vụ triển khai

Amazon EC2

Giúp tự động mở rộng quy mô ứng dụng web và máy chủ API để đáp ứng nhu cầu thay đổi.

Amazon S3

Lưu trữ an toàn và bền vững cho dữ liệu dạng đối tượng, chẳng hạn như hình ảnh, video và tài liệu.

Amazon RDS

Cung cấp cơ sở dữ liệu back-end với sao lưu tự động và khả năng phục hồi.

Lợi ích

Việc quản lý và bảo trì trở nên đơn giản hơn trên hệ thống đám mây.

Chi phí vận hành giảm tới 30% so với trước đây.

Hệ thống không còn bị quá tải trong các mùa cao điểm.

Hệ thống được thiết lập kiểm tra bảo mật và sao lưu dữ liệu tập trung.